The grand electricity storage quartet is a card game developed for those new to the subject of electrical energy storage and experts alike. It was created in the winter semester 2015/2016 by Dr. Boris Bensmann and Prof. Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach, who worked together with students of the Energy Storage I lecture programme at the LUH Institute of Electrical Power Systems.
When playing the game together with family, friends, fellow students or colleagues, you can learn about the different storage technologies and understand their strengths and weaknesses.
The card game is used as a teaching tool in the Energy Storage I lecture programme offered by the Leibniz Universität Hannover, and course participants can obtain a copy free of charge in the LeibnizSHOP, which is located on the basement floor. For other interested parties, the game is also for sale in the shop.
If you have any ideas for modifications, additions, improvements or suggestions for new cards, please send us an email to
Escape Climate Change

"Escape Climate Change" is an exciting board game that can be played with friends, fellow students and/or colleagues, providing a playful learning experience in the field of climate protection. Based on the idea of Escape Games, in which small groups solve complex puzzles in a given time, players of the "Escape Climate Change" game have to work together to crack a secret code by solving step by step puzzles and tasks related to the topic of climate protection. Solving the game requires teamwork, an understanding of climate issues and consideration of the subject of climate protection.
You can borrow the "Escape Climate Change" box from the Green Office at Leibniz Universität Hannover. For any enquiries, please contact us at: