Mission 2031: Think future - act sustainably
The United Nations' 2030 Agenda with its 17 sustainability goals is also of central importance to LUH. In the ‘Mission 2031’ lecture series, these goals are highlighted in lectures by LUH researchers from various departments.
The topics and focal points of the lecture series change every year, with a different sustainability goal taking centre stage each time. The series of events offers both a comprehensive introduction to the SDGs and in-depth insights into specific research activities at LUH.

Energy system transformation
Since its introduction in 2011, the lecture series ‘Transformation of the Energy System’ has been held annually in the summer semester. Over 130 lectures have been held so far. The 14th lecture series will be held in 2024 by the Institute for Electrical Energy Systems (IFES) together with the Green Office, the Leibniz Research Centre Energy 2050 (LiFE 2050), the VDI Bezirksverein Hannover e. V. (Energy Technology Working Group) and the Energy Research Centre of Lower Saxony (EFZN). From October 2024 to January 2025, six lectures will be held every two weeks by representatives from the various faculties of LUH, external research institutions, business and politics. The lecture series will outline the transformation process of the energy system from various perspectives as well as the associated problems and solutions.
Forum: Sustainability
The goal of "Forum: Sustainability" is to connect students, employees and other partners outside of the university and to create innovative, forward-thinking projects together. Students are invited to present interesting results of their projects or thesis with a sustainabilty context.
Previous topics:
- Pyrolysis as a contribution to climate neutrality
- Insect alliance Hanover
- Preservation instead of new construction - "Avoiding demolition as a contribution to the sustainable development of the university campus of Leibniz Universität Hannover"
TRUST Lectures
Every semester, the TRUST Research Center organizes the lecture series "TRUST Lectures on Spatial Transformation", in which both internal TRUST members and external scientists present their research activities and results on various selected framework topics. Everyone from scientists to students and interested laypersons are invited to attend the lectures, which last approximately one hour.
Public Climate School
In 2019 as well as 2021 the Public Climate School (PCS) was supported by LUH, which was organized by Students for Future Hannover. For one week, Students for Future groups from all over Germany, including Students for Future Hannover, organized a broad program around the topics of climate crisis, sustainability and future perspectives alongside the normal lectures and discussed approaches and solutions for a sustainable future. In this way, climate education was to be carried into the universities and society, among other things.