Net N mineralization in agricultural soils

experimentally parameterized modelling for N fertilizer recommendations and inhibition effects in soils with specific former land-uses

authored by
Sabine Heumann
supervised by
Jürgen Böttcher

This habilitation thesis is focusing on improving site- and year-specific modelling of net N mineralization in agricultural soils of Northern Germany for online N fertilizer recommendation purposes. The overall goal of the studies were to experimentally parameterize and evaluate a net N mineralization model allowing site-specific online parameterization. Futhermore, substances and processes possibly involved in unusually low net N mineralization in soils with specific former land uses, that are relatively rich in total organic C and N, were elucidated in order to adequately account for it in simulations. The synopsis is dedicated to merge the results from the six included papers plus a description of the achieved model applications, potential model limitations as well as the current working hypothesis on the mode of action of the inhibiting soil organic substances.

Institute of Soil Science
Habilitation treatise
No. of pages
Publication date
Publication status
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 2 - Zero Hunger, SDG 15 - Life on Land
Electronic version(s) (Access: Open)