Complete list of publications

Showing results 641 - 660 out of 5358


Das ZeitZentrum Zivilcourage in Hannover. / Huneke, Friedrich; Hiemesch, Wiebke (Contributor); Marian, Spode-Lebenheim (Contributor) et al.
In: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, Vol. 74, No. 7/8, 08.2023, p. 425-437.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

"Für eure und unsere Freiheit": Erinnerungsorte der Demokratie. / Huneke, Friedrich.
Ungleiche Erinnerungen: Deutsche und Polen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Didatkik der deutsch-polnischen Erinnerugnsorte. ed. / Sabine Bamberger-STemmann; Hans Henning Hahn; Robert Traba. Frankfurt/M.: Wochenschau Verlag, 2023. p. 39-54.

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingContribution to book/anthologyResearchpeer review

Education and Conventions. / Imdorf, Christian; Leemann, Regula Julia.
Handbook of Economics and Sociology of Conventions. ed. / Rainer Diaz-Bone; Guillemette de Larquier. Cham: Springer, 2023.

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingContribution to book/anthologyResearchpeer review

Recruiters' valuation of young people's employment insecurities in Bulgaria and Switzerland: making sense of job-hopping and unemployment in the hiring process. / Imdorf, Christian; Pohlig, Matthias; Zander, Lysann.
School-to-Work Transition in Comparative Perspective. ed. / Dominik Buttler; Maciej Ławrynowicz; Piotr Michoń. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023. p. 88-120.

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingContribution to book/anthologyResearchpeer review

Formvariable Handhabung schmiedewarmer Massivbauteile. / Ince, Caner Veli; Raatz, Annika.
In: ZWF Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, Vol. 118, No. 3, 31.03.2023, p. 153-156.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Essays on the labour market performance of immigrants in Germany. / Ingwersen, Kai.
Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023. 159 p.

Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis

Minimum Wage in Germany: Countering the Wage and Employment Gap between Migrants and Natives? / Ingwersen, K.; Thomsen, S.L.
IZA, 2023. (IZA discussion papers; Vol. 15823).

Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paper/Discussion paper

A conceptual basis for surveying fouling communities at exposed and protected sites at sea: Feasible designs with exchangeable test bodies for in-situ biofouling collection. / Isbert, W.; Lindemann, C.; Lemburg, J. et al.
In: Applied ocean research, Vol. 136, 103572, 07.2023.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

GKV-Routinedatenanalysen zur Unterstützung des Market Access von Arzneimitteln, Impfstoffen und Medizintechnik: Empirische Beispiele zur Machbarkeit. / Jacob, Christian.
Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023. 153 p.

Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis

Amisulpride as a potential disease-modifying drug in the treatment of tauopathies. / Jahreis, Kathrin; Brüge, Alina; Borsdorf, Saskia et al.
In: Alzheimer's and Dementia, Vol. 19, No. 12, 12.2023, p. 5482-5497.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Early Predictability of Grasping Movements by Neurofunctional Representations: A Feasibility Study. / Jakubowitz, Eike; Feist, Thekla; Obermeier, Alina et al.
In: Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 13, No. 9, 5728, 06.05.2023.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Essays on risk attitudes, knowledge, extreme weather, and farmers' behaviors in rural Southeast Asia. / Jaretzky, Thi Lan Huong.
Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023. 127 p.

Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis

The marriage age U-shape. / Jelnov, Pavel.
In: Journal of demographic economics, Vol. 89, No. 2, 2023, p. 211-252.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Development of a peptide drug restoring AMPK and adipose tissue functionality in cancer cachexia. / Ji, Honglei; Englmaier, Felix; Morigny, Pauline et al.
In: Molecular therapy, Vol. 31, No. 8, 02.08.2023, p. 2408-2421.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Recycling process development with integrated life cycle assessment: a case study on oxygen transport membrane material. / Johanning, Melanie; Widenmeyer, Marc; Escobar Cano, Giamper et al.
In: Green chemistry, Vol. 25, No. 12, 23.05.2023, p. 4735-4749.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Derivation and compilation of lower-atmospheric properties relating to temperature, wind, stability, moisture, and surface radiation budget over the central Arctic sea ice during MOSAiC. / Jozef, Gina C.; Klingel, Robert; Cassano, John J. et al.
In: Earth system science data, Vol. 15, No. 11, 10.11.2023, p. 4983-4995.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Life cycle assessment of higher education institutions: method and case study. / Jürgens, Meret; Hartmann, Kristin; Endres, Hans Josef et al.
In: Journal of cleaner production, Vol. 430, 139649, 10.12.2023.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Improved polarimetric analysis of human skin through stitching: advantages, limitations, and applications in dermatology. / Jütte, Lennart; Patel, Harshkumar; Roth, Bernhard.
In: Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, Vol. 10, No. 1, 015007, 30.11.2023.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

True digital hair removal with real value inpainting for improved dermoscopy based on image fusion. / Jütte, Lennart; Emmert, Steffen; Roth, Bernhard.
Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 2023. ed. / Bernard Choi; Haishan Zeng. SPIE, 2023. 1235202 (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 12352).

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer review

Nature-based solutions and mental health. / Kabisch, Nadja; Basu, Sukanya ; van den Bosch, Matilda et al.
Nature-Based Solutions for Cities. ed. / Timon McPhearson; Nadja Kabisch; Niki Frantzeskaki. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023. p. 193-212.

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingContribution to book/anthologyResearchpeer review