Complete list of publications

Showing results 4361 - 4380 out of 5490


A systematic review of cost-effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies for metastatic colorectal cancer. / Lange, A.; Prenzler, A.; Frank, M. et al.
In: European Journal of Cancer, Vol. 50, No. 1, 01.2014, p. 40-49.

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleResearchpeer review

A systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of targeted therapies for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). / Lange, Ansgar; Prenzler, Anne; Frank, Martin et al.
In: BMC pulmonary medicine, Vol. 14, No. 1, 192, 04.12.2014.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Diagnose und Behandlung von sekundären Armlymphödemen nach Mammakarzinombehandlung: eine gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation aus der Perspektive der Privaten Krankenversicherung. / Lange, A.; Prenzler, A.; Von Der Schulenburg, J. M.
In: Gesundheitsokonomie und Qualitatsmanagement, Vol. 19, No. 2, 04.2014, p. 70-78.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

One-year disease-related health care costs of incident vertebral fractures in osteoporotic patients. / Lange, Alexander; Zeidler, Jan; Braun, S.
In: Osteoporosis International, Vol. 25, No. 10, 26.09.2014, p. 2435-2443.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Mapping the diversity of regulating ecosystem services in European cities. / Larondelle, Neele; Haase, Dagmar; Kabisch, Nadja.
In: Global environmental change, Vol. 26, No. 1, 05.2014, p. 119-129.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Transformational Leadership and Employees' Information Security Performance - The Mediating Role of Motivation and Climate. / Lebek, Benedikt; Guhr, Nadine; Breitner, Michael H.
2014. Paper presented at Building a Better World through Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer review

Women In Leadership: Can Women Have It All? / Lemke, Christiane.
Max Weber Stiftung, 2014.

Research output: Book/ReportConference proceedingResearch

Managing urban riverscapes: towards a cultural perspective of land and water governance. / Levin-Keitel, Meike.
In: Water International, Vol. 39, No. 6, 2014, p. 842-857.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearch

Intellectual property rights issues in multiscale cancer modeling. / Lishchuk, Iryna V.; Stauch, Marc S.; Forgo, Nikolaus P.
Proceedings of the 2014 6th International Advanced Research Workshop on In Silico Oncology and Cancer Investigation - The CHIC Project Workshop, IARWISOCI 2014. ed. / Georgios S. Stamatakos; D. Dionysiou. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014. 7034646 (Proceedings of the 2014 6th International Advanced Research Workshop on In Silico Oncology and Cancer Investigation - The CHIC Project Workshop, IARWISOCI 2014).

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer review

In situ formation of LDH membranes of different microstructures with molecular sieve gas selectivity. / Liu, Yi; Wang, Nanyi; Caro, Jürgen.
In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 2, No. 16, 2014, p. 5716-5723.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

La distribution géographique des emplois non agricoles dans les secteurs publique et privé dans le nord-est de la Thaïlande rurale. / Lohmann, Carsten; Liefner, Ingo.
In: Regional studies, Vol. 48, No. 4, 04.2014, p. 710-726.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

A CO2-stable reduction-tolerant Nd-containing dual phase membrane for oxyfuel CO2 capture. / Luo, Huixia; Klande, Tobias; Cao, Zhengwen et al.
In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 2, No. 21, 2014, p. 7780-7787.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Maturity and petroleum systems modelling in the offshore zambezi delta depression and Angoche Basin, Northern Mozambique. / Mahanjane, E. S.; Franke, D.; Lutz, R. et al.
In: Journal of petroleum geology, Vol. 37, No. 4, 01.10.2014, p. 329-348.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Verbesserung der Ressourceneffizienz: Möglichkeiten zur Gestaltung höherer Ressourceneffizienz in Produktionsbetrieben. / Majid Ansari, Sarah; Wulf, Serjosha; Nyhuis, Peter.
In: WT Werkstattstechnik, Vol. 104, No. 5, 2014, p. 320-324.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Preparation of thermocleavable conjugates based on ansamitocin and superparamagnetic nanostructured particles by a chemobiosynthetic approach. / Mancuso, Lena; Knobloch, Tobias; Buchholz, Jessica et al.
In: Chemistry - A European Journal, Vol. 20, No. 52, 24.10.2014, p. 17541-17551.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

The Effect of Surface Heterogeneity on the Structure Parameters of Temperature and Specific Humidity: A Large-Eddy Simulation Case Study for the LITFASS-2003 Experiment. / Maronga, Björn; Hartogensis, Oscar K.; Raasch, Siegfried et al.
In: Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 153, No. 3, 27.08.2014, p. 441-470.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Impact of an external electron acceptor on phosphorus mobility between water and sediments. / Martins, G.; Peixoto, L.; Teodorescu, S. et al.
In: Bioresource technology, Vol. 151, 01.2014, p. 419-423.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Managing urban wellbeing in rural areas: can online communities improve the financing and governance of highly valued nature areas? / Mehnen, Nora; Bijker, R.A. ; Sijtsma, F.J. et al.
Land. 2014.

Research output: Other contributionOther publicationTransferpeer review

Climate control on the evolution of Late Pleistocene alluvial-fan and aeolian sand-sheet systems in NW Germany. / Meinsen, Janine; Winsemann, Jutta; Roskosch, Julia et al.
In: BOREAS, Vol. 43, No. 1, 01.2014, p. 42-66.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) as a marine functional source of gamma-tocopherol. / Menoyo, D.; Sanz-Bayón, C.; Nessa, A.H. et al.
In: Marine drugs, Vol. 12, No. 12, 09.12.2014, p. 5944-5959.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review